Boolean operations in 2D
Utilize CSG-like nodes to help you prototype and build levels using only the basic geometry shapes.
Modify collison shapes at run-time and build upon core polygon boolean methods.

Make the debugging and prototyping processes easier.
Customize how collision shapes look within the editor and the exported projects for each node of interest. No need to leave the editor to create separate sprites for simple shapes.
Simplify visualization of data or simplify debugging of grid-based classes such as TileMap.

Write more readable and intuitive code with extended randomization methods for AI, procedural generation etc.
Achieve reproducible stream of randomness for all available methods and properties. Randomized by default!
Improve the quality of your node spawning techniques by taking advantage of efficient geometry-based randomization methods with uniform distribution of points.

Gradient textures in 2D
Generate both linear and radial textures with different types of fill.
Use default radial light texture for Light2D nodes without leaving the editor.

Physics utilities
Use additional physics classes which leverage and expose hidden physics features such as shape casting via intuitive node approach.

Animated images support
Import animated images as animated textures, or just import as static textures (only GIF is currently supported).
Load animated images and display them in a project if you have to work with external services.

Color quantization and indexed images
Procedurally stylize game elements based on dominant colors within a texture.
Implement palette swapping without using shaders.

Additional core structures
Incorporate data structures such as doubly linked lists, multi-dimensional data containers, general-purpose resource containers...